The stock markets are pretty unpredictable. One minute you could be excited and encouraged thanks to the fact that the stocks you invested in are booming, and the next you could be broken because the bull run reversed and the stock fell even lower than it started.Obviously, a profit or a loss is calculated by comparing the prices of purchase and sales of the stocks.Stock exchange trades usually are done in the day. This is because of the assumption that it is during the day, that most of the big companies around the world normally conduct business transactions.As the saying goes, a work day cant ever be too long for stock trades. It is a common feeling that a work day is too short to negotiate all trades you wished to.Stock trade transactionsPrior to the purchase and sale of stocks,one is expected to do some homework, meaning do some background checks on the companies you are planning to invest into.The choice is solely yours, where you put your money in, or if you take out investment from a particular stock. Make sure you have a well thought out decision because your profits of commercial transactions.