Choose an online Forex FirmWhat to look for in an online Forex Firm:
Low Spreads:
In Forex Trading the ‘spread’ is the difference between the buy andsell price of any given currency pair. The lower the spread savesthe trader money. Most firms offer 4-5 pip spreads in the MajorCurrency pairs. The best firms offer clients 3-5 pips.
Low minimum account openings:
For those that are new to trading, and for those that don’t havethousands of dollars in risk capital to trade, being able to open amini trading account with only $200 is a great feature for newtraders.
Instant automatic execution of your orders:This is very important when choosing a Forex firm. You want instantexecution of your orders and the price you see and ‘click’ is the pricethat you should get. Don’t settle with a firm that re-quotes you whenyou click on a price or a firm that allows for price ‘slippage’. This isvery important when trading for small profits.
Free charting and technical analysis:
You need a firm that gives you access to the best charting and technicalanalysis available to active traders. The firm that I recommend givesclients FREE professional charting services and even allows traders totrade directly on the charts!
High Leverage:
You want high leverage—the ability to trade a large amount with a smallmargin deposit. Some of the best firms offer .25% or 400:1 leverage.
Hedging Capability:
You want the flexibility of opening positions on the same currency pair inopposite directions without them eliminating each other and withoutmargin increase!